For anyone with neck arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other forms of chronic pain, going on vacation or a business trip can cause an array of mixed feelings. You’re happy to get away for a little bit, but you’re also reminded about what aches and pains traveling can bring. But rest assured, with a little preparation and practicality, you can end up possibly taking the best trip of your life.
Anyone who suffers from chronic pain knows that running out of medication can be the one of the worst situations to end up in. If you’re going away on a trip, you won’t be able to refill your prescription at your local pharmacy, so it’s important to have the quantity that you need. This goes for supplements as well, so remember to stock up on enough vitamins or minerals to last the whole trip.
For problems like back pain, traveling in an airplane can be tedious and uncomfortable. When planning a vacation to somewhere you’ll need to fly to, it might be beneficial to take some precautions:
Traveling sometimes requires a lot of sitting, especially if it involve planes or cars.If you suffer from chronic pain, the importance of stretching and promoting blood flow throughout your body can’t be stressed enough. If you’re driving, you should stop every couple of hours to take a stretch break. If you’re on the plane, take a few minutes to walk to the bathroom. Remember, pain relief stretches can be done sitting down as well.
On vacation, people tend to minimize the time set aside for sleep in order to maximize the amount of time spent on various activities. While this may seem like the more fun way of allocating your time, for people with chronic pain, lack of sleep can make any experience miserable. It’s important to get at least eight hours of sleep each night; don’t be afraid to take a few naps here and there, either!
One of the biggest downers on a vacation can be sore or swollen feet. Most of the time, walking is an inevitable aspect of a vacation, beaches and big cities alike. To avoid unnecessary discomfort, make sure you’re wearing comfortable footwear while you’re traveling, and don’t forget to give your feet a break and rest every once in awhile.
If you suffer from chronic pain, or are in need or pain relief, visit your local New Jersey pain specialists at Garden State Pain Control.