
Understanding the Pain: What You Need to Know About Pinched Nerves

Jan 25, 2023

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Do you experience sharp shooting pain or numbness in your arms or legs? You may be suffering from a pinched nerve, a common yet debilitating condition that can greatly impact your daily life.

A pinched nerve, also known as a compressed nerve, occurs when there is excessive pressure on a nerve. This pressure can be caused by a variety of factors, including bone spurs, herniated disks, and repetitive motions. A pinched nerve can occur anywhere in the body where nerves are present, but it is most common in the neck and lower back.


Symptoms of a pinched nerve can vary depending on the location of the compressed nerve and the severity of the pressure. Common symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected area. The pain associated with a pinched nerve can range from a dull ache to a sharp, shooting sensation. The numbness and tingling can also be accompanied by muscle weakness, making it difficult to move the affected limb or muscle.


There are several different treatment options for a pinched nerve. The first line of treatment is typically conservative, including rest, physical therapy, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to manage pain and inflammation. In some cases, a splint or brace may be used to immobilize the affected area and reduce pressure on the nerve.

Physical therapy can be an effective treatment for a pinched nerve, as it can help to strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility. This can help to reduce the pressure on the nerve and improve overall function. Physical therapists may also use manual therapies such as massage and mobilization to help alleviate symptoms and improve the range of motion.

In some cases, more invasive treatments may be required to alleviate the pressure on a pinched nerve. These can include corticosteroid injections, which can help to reduce inflammation and pain, or surgery to correct the underlying condition that is causing the pressure on the nerve.


A pinched nerve can be caused by repetitive motions, like working with the hand or wrist and typing. Repetitive motions can damage the nerves, tendons and muscles, cause inflammation and lead to pinched nerve. To prevent this type of pinched nerve, it’s important to take regular breaks, stretch frequently, and use proper posture and ergonomics while working.

Additionally, a pinched nerve can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. People with these conditions are at a higher risk for developing pinched nerves and should take extra care to protect their nerves and maintain good overall health.

It is important to visit a doctor or physical therapist if you suspect that you have a pinched nerve. They will be able to diagnose the problem and recommend appropriate treatment options. In many cases, a pinched nerve can be treated with conservative measures and will resolve on its own with proper care and management.

At Garden State Pain & Orthopedics, we offer a full scope of the most advanced non-surgical treatments for all types of back pain, including pinched nerves. Like pain itself, our pain relief programs are highly individualized. For more information about our treatments for back pain visit our services page, or select “Book Now” to schedule a consultation.