
10 Exercises To Keep YOU Active This Summer - Strengthen Your Joints

Jul 31, 2023


Summer is the best time to get out and be active! Whether it's on your own, with your family, or with your friends, there an outdoor summer activity for you. Read more to find our what fun activities we love during the summer!

Summer is a season of sunshine, warmth, and outdoor adventures. It's the perfect time to get moving, stay fit, and enjoy activities you love with the people you love. Whether you're looking to explore new activities or rediscover old favorites, there are a bunch of great options to keep you active this summer.

Hiking and Walking

Embrace the beauty of nature by going hiking or taking leisurely walks in scenic trails or local parks. Not only will you soak up the sunshine, but you'll also enjoy the health benefits of cardiovascular exercise. From tranquil nature reserves to challenging mountain trails, there are options for every fitness level and interest. Hiking is a great activity to enjoy alone or with your friends and family. When hiking, always remember to wear the correct footwear, and use the correct equipment.

Wearing incorrect footwear while hiking can cause not only foot pain, but knee, back, and hip pain. It is also important to pack moderately and use supportive backpacks. Unsupportive backpacks with unnecessary weight can contribute to systemic pain. 


Grab your bike and hit the road! Cycling is an excellent way to explore your surroundings while staying active. Whether you prefer road biking, mountain biking, or leisurely rides along the beach, cycling provides a fun and invigorating workout. 

Cycling is a great exercise that engages your quadriceps and hamstrings. It is a great way to gain leg strength without loading pressure onto your spine. It can also be less difficult on the knee and hip joints than running. Strengthening your leg muscles can help prevent future injury and while also rehabilitating after sustaining an injury. Don't forget to wear a helmet while you explore cycling paths or designated routes in your area.

Water Sports

Summer and water activities go hand in hand. Take advantage of the lakes, rivers, or coastal areas near you to try out various water sports. From kayaking and paddleboarding, to water skiing and surfing, there's an activity for everyone. Not only do water sports offer a refreshing way to cool off, but they also engage different muscle groups, providing an excellent full-body workout.

However it is important to note, many of these water activities are more advanced, skilled, and have a higher risk of injury. If you are prone to injury, we suggest you avoid more advanced water sports such as surfing and water skiing. Basic water sports such as swimming, water aerobics, and kayaking (in calm waters) are safer, enjoyable alternatives that will get your heart pumping . 

Outdoor Yoga and Fitness Classes

Many communities offer outdoor yoga and fitness classes during the summer months. Take advantage of these opportunities to work out in the fresh air and sunshine. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, practicing yoga or joining group fitness classes outdoors can invigorate your mind and body.

Having a group class is great for motivation. It creates the perfect environment to better yourself, while having a great time. The classes allow you to go at your own pace while also pushing to new levels. 

Beach Volleyball

Gather some friends, head to the nearest beach or community park and challenge each other to a game of beach volleyball. This sport combines physical activity, teamwork, and a lot of fun. Playing on the sand adds an extra level of resistance, making it a fantastic workout for your legs and core muscles. There are also many beach volleyball leagues and tournaments available to join. Whether it is just you, or a team of your friends there is a league for you.

If you are interested in joined any recreational sports leagues we suggest checking out njplaysports.com


Don't overlook the health benefits of tending to a garden. Gardening is not only a productive and rewarding activity but also a great way to stay active. Digging, planting, weeding, and watering can be physically demanding and provide a low-impact workout. Plus, you get to enjoy the beauty of nature and the satisfaction of growing your own plants.

Outdoor Swimming

Swimming was already mentioned in water sports, but it deserves its own spot on this list. Swimming is an excellent way to cool off and stay active during the summer. It is also a great way to add high intensity cardio to your daily life. Swimming laps in the pool is a great way to get your heart pumping and burn off some of those extra calories you have on vacation. If you're lucky enough to have access to a pool, lake, or ocean, make the most of it. Swimming is a high intensity cardiovascular exercise that has a low impact on your joints. 

Outdoor Team and Individual Sports

Summer offers the perfect opportunity to engage in a wide range of outdoor sports. Whether it's soccer, basketball, tennis, or frisbee, find a local park or court and gather some friends for a friendly match. Sports not only provide physical exercise but also promote social interaction and team spirit.


Golf should also be listed under team and individual sports, but since it's extremely popular for work, and for leisure, it gets its own spot on this list. Golf is a great excuse to spend 5 hours outdoors exercising. If you decide to walk the course, you get even more of a health benefit from cardiovascular exercise. 


Pickleball is getting more and more popular. Nowadays it’s getting difficult to find an empty court. Pickleball is a fun game to play with friends and family that will keep you active this summer. With similar rules to tennis and similar scoring to volleyball, this game is easy to pick up for anyone of any age. 

All of these activities are a great way to exercise and have fun this summer. If you sustain any injuries participating in these activities, our specialists at Garden State Pain and Orthopedics are happy to help. Our doctors specialize in back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, hip pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, and foot pain. If you would like to hear more about our treatments and services please visit our services page or select “Book Now” to schedule an appointment. 

Summer is a season of adventure, and staying active during this time has numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being. By exploring the great outdoors and participating in activities like hiking, cycling, water sports, yoga, beach volleyball, gardening, swimming, and outdoor sports, you can make the most of the season while maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. So, grab your gear, soak up the sunshine, and embrace the joy of staying active this summer!