
Say Goodbye to Bunions Before Summer - Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

Mar 06, 2023

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Bunions can be unappealing and painful. Luckily with new advances in technology, minimally invasive bunion surgery is quicker, less painful, and has a faster recovery than traditional bunion surgery.

Bunions are a common foot condition characterized by a bony protrusion on the side of the big toe. Unlike traditional bunion surgery, which often involves cutting and repositioning the bone, minimally invasive bunion surgery uses small incisions and specialized instruments to correct bunion deformities.


One of the main advantages of minimally invasive bunion surgery is that it generally causes less pain and swelling than traditional surgery. The incisions used in minimally invasive surgery are much smaller than ones used in traditional bunion procedures making them less invasive overall. As a result, patients can usually return to normal activities much sooner than they would after traditional bunion surgery.

Another advantage of minimally invasive bunion surgery is that it is often performed on an outpatient basis, which means patients can go home the same day as the procedure. This can be more convenient for patients who live far from the hospital or who have busy schedules. Patients usually walk out of the surgery center on their own power with the help of a walking boot. 

Surgery and Post-op

Minimally invasive bunion surgery is typically performed using an endoscope, which is a small, thin camera that is inserted through a small incision. The surgeon uses the endoscope to view the inside of the joint and make any necessary adjustments. The procedure usually takes about an hour to complete and is done under local or regional anesthesia.

After minimally invasive bunion surgery, patients will typically need to wear a special shoe or boot to protect the foot during the weeks following surgery. Physical therapy is always recommended following surgery to help the foot heal and regain strength.

Recovery time for minimally invasive bunion surgery varies depending on the specific procedure and the patient's individual health. However, most patients can return to normal activities about a month after surgery, and full recovery can take several months. 

Finding Out if Surgery is Right for YOU

It's important to note that not everyone is a candidate for minimally invasive bunion surgery. Some patients do not require surgery. If the bunion is not severe there are other alternatives to surgery such as changes in lifestyle, changes in footwear, or injections. On the other hand, patients with severe bunions or other foot problems may require more traditional, invasive surgery. Doctor Scott Hanauer, Foot and Ankle Specialist at Garden State Pain and Orthopedics, will be able to determine if minimally invasive bunion surgery is the right option for you based on the severity of your bunion and your overall health.

Minimally invasive bunion surgery is a newer method for treating bunions that offers many advantages over traditional surgery. It causes less pain and swelling, allows for faster recovery time, and is often performed on an outpatient basis. At Garden State Pain and Orthopedics, we focus on providing personalized treatment plans that will eliminate your pain.  If you're considering bunion surgery you can read more about our treatments and schedule an appointment by clicking the “Book Now” button.